Configure Table Section for Point of Sale (POS)

The Table Section command on the Point of Sale (POS) Configuration menu allows you to provide divisions in your outlets to contain a subset of tables. This allows staff to more easily find the table they need when opening a check.

If the outlet has very few tables, or is another type of service that does not have checks associated with specific tables, you can simply create an "All" or other generic section for that outlet. Even if you have numbered and assigned tables, if there are not many of them, you may choose to simply use a generic section name instead of assigning tables to different sections.

Each table section you create is associated with a specific outlet. When you create tables, you will associate them with a table section. See Configure Tables for Point of Sale (POS) for more details.

Select Table Section from the Restaurant section of the Point of Sale (POS) Configuration menu.

The table section screen display is split into two frames, with the left side of the screen listing any already configured table sections for the property and the right side containing the fields you need to complete in order to add or edit a table section for the property. Any changes made on the right, once saved, will be updated in the listings to the left.

Table Section screen, left side detail showing configured options

The currently configured table section options can be displayed by:

Restaurant: Outlet order (alphabetically, ascending or descending),

Order: List order, a numeric ordering, or

Name: Table Section name (alphabetically, ascending or descending),

and can be searched by manually inputting the desired outlet name, order number or (table section) name.

Selecting any Table Section will display the details on the right.

Table Section screen, right side detail showing editing options

Your options include the following:

Generate a new entry:

Click the New Generate New Entry button button from the toolbar to add a new table section.

Complete the fields described below.


Select an existing table section from the list on the left, and click the Replicate Replicate Current Entry button button from the toolbar. Then change the field information as described below.

This is useful if you are creating several sections for the same restaurant.

Edit the current selection:

Change the field information described below.


List Order: This determines in what order the table section appears listed in the interface.

Enter a number into the List Order field.

This field is optional. However if the restaurant tables are sequentially ordered, you may want to list the sections in the order that corresponds with the table numbering. For example, Tables 1-5 are in the bar, 6-16 are on the main floor, and 17-22 are on the deck. The List Order for these sections could be 01 for Bar, 02 for Main Floor, and 03 for Deck.

Table Section: This is the name that appears for the table section in the interface.

Enter a name in the Table Section field. This field is required.

Outlet: Select the outlet where the table is located from the drop down list. When the staff selects this outlet, the choices for table sections are limited to those associated with the outlet on this screen.

Table Configuration: This refers to the layout of the tables in the section. Clicking on the button takes you to a new page where the positions of the tables in a section can be mapped out.

Table Configuration Map

This map is what will be displayed on the Point of Sale (POS) restaurant log in page (see Point of Sale (POS) Restaurant Log in page for more details). The configuration or arrangement of the tables is in grid form; number of rows and columns in the grid can be manually adjusted, and the table placed in a particular place on the grid by using the drop-down menu for each grid position. Once the tables have been arranged satisfactorily, save the section set-up. Click "<<Back to Table Section" to return to the table section screen.

Available for Quick Sale: This box may be checked or unchecked. If checked, any tables in this section can be selected in the Quick Sale screen.

Because the Quick Sale interface is more abbreviated, be sure the list of tables to select is small or very easily identifiable. Typically Quick Sales are used for Point of Sale (POS) transactions where seating is unavailable or is not associated with a specific check, like a cafe counter or for carry-out meals.

Not Active?: This box may be checked or unchecked. By default, it is unchecked.

It should only be checked if the Table Section is no longer in use.

Once a Table Section has been added to the list on the left, it will remain in the list (cannot be deleted) if there has been any checks created for it. Once a check is created, it exists in several places in the system, and therefore there cannot be a check for somewhere that does not exist.


When you are finished adding or editing Table Sections, click the Save Save button button to save the changes.

To view any changes made, click the Activity log Activity Log button button in the local tool bar.


Date Updated February 18, 2021